Electronic Leashes…

I was remembering a short time in my life when I had to carry a pager with me wherever I went…  I used to call it my “electronic leash”…  the pager would only make a noise of some kind to get my attention, and then when I looked at it and pushed a button, the display gave me a phone number to call, so I could get to a phone, and call the person trying to reach me…   This was before cell phones…

Well…  A few minutes ago, I picked my work cell phone off the table and put it in my pocket…  It is after normal working hours, but I am “on-call”, which means that I have to leave my work cell phone “on” in case someone from work has to get in touch with me…  

It seems we still have “electronic leashes”… they are just more expensive, and can do a whole lot more than only display a phone number for someone to call back… 

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